The research entitled “Christian Symbols and Rituals Engraved on jewelry raises the question of how the symbols have emerged from an environment that had strong pagan beliefs, as the Greek and Romanian civilizations, and how these symbols have been affected by the accompanied rituals. The shapes of the symbols have remained the same even after the spread of Christianity, but with different meanings and significances to cope with the religious spirit, and then they have developed to become purely Christian symbols.
الناشر | سائر المشرق |
الحجم | 17*24 |
الوزن | 266 |
عدد الصفحات | 144 |
نوع الغلاف | soft cover |
تاريخ النشر | 11-04-2024 |
النسخة | 17*24 |
ISBN | 978614451 |
Amal Hafez Arbid
Doctorate in Art History of Symbols and their meanings in the arts and jewelry of ancient civilizations and religions until the Middle Ages 2014 Consultant General Manager at "Amalouna" Foundation fo...