By the end of 1998, the relationship between the Maronite Patriarch and the Lebanese public had been consolidated, and confidence promoted to a large extent. This made dealing with Bkerke demand a great deal of caution, precision, and respect. Between 1986 and 1992, Bkerke had been an authority among other Christian authorities that had to be consulted; between 1992 and 1998, it was the primary Christian authority with which dialogue should be carried on. After 1998, the Maronite Patriarchate, under the leadership of the seventy-sixth Patriarch, became the main Lebanese authority facing the three official authorities, at Baabda, Place de 1’Etoile, and Government House (Sérail), that carried out Syrian policy in Lebanon. The Maronite Patriarchate moved gradually from a policy of defense of the constituents of the Lebanese entity, adopted between 1992 and 1998, into a strategy of regaining Lebanese rights, beginning with the first Maronite bishops’ appeal on September 19th, 2000.
الناشر | سائر المشرق |
الحجم | 17*24 |
الوزن | 698 |
عدد الصفحات | 480 |
نوع الغلاف | soft cover |
تاريخ النشر | 01-03-2012 |
النسخة | 17*24 |
ISBN | 9789953569185 |
أنطوان سعد
كاتب وصحافي ومدير عام دار سائر المشرق، ومقدّم برنامج سياسي على شاشة أم تي في، ورئيس تحرير موقع مون ليبان الإلكتروني، أنجز دراسات جامعية في الصحافة والفلسفة واللاهوت والتاريخ (ماستر). صدر له: "السادس ...