Pop poetry: Story rhymes II

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Pop poetry: Story rhymes II


“POP Cultural Poetry is a popular art of performing poetry by the poet him/herself. Poems can be about any subject and in any style. What is lovely about this type of art is the freedom it allows in expressing oneself in rhymes about topics related to human experience -heartbreaking love, serious social commentary, bitter-sweet personal reflections or confessions, and hilarious comic routines among others. There is laughter, sadness, fear, triumph, anxiety, migration and return and more in Pop Poetry story rhymes II”

معلومات إضافية
الناشر سائر المشرق
الحجم 14*21
الوزن 100
عدد الصفحات 68
نوع الغلاف softcover
تاريخ النشر 13-10-2015
النسخة 14*21
ISBN 978614451
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Elie Nabhan

A son of Lebanon and Nigeria, was born in Ibadan Nigeria, where he attended school before going to the United Kingdom to complete his studies. Later on he returned to settle down in Lebanon where he ...

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